Lori Cole and Art Hughes Bio

 As the daughter of Shirley Bell, Radio’s original Little Orphan Annie it is no surprise that Lori Cole came to her singing talent naturally. Lori’s career began at the age of 19 when she started singing radio and television commercials in the busy advertising community of Chicago.

 Lori had the good fortune of learning her craft with some of the finest musicians and singers the industry had to offer. She had a twenty plus year career singing jingles for such products as McDonalds, La Choy, United Airlines, KFC, Juicy Fruit Gum and The Incredible Edible Egg along with many, many more.

 One of the benefits of singing commercials for a living was that it gave Lori the opportunity of spending numerous hours in the recording studio. Wanting to sing more than 30 seconds of music Lori began recording songs of all kinds, from rock and roll to R&B. She put out a CD in 2002 of old Standards from the 30’s and 40’s with a forty piece orchestra called “Never too Late” in dedication to her beloved mother.

 She currently resides in the mountains of Colorado with her husband Steve who is a retired US Navy Commander and Electronics Engineer; He continues to be the visual force in creating our videos as well as our new website.

 Art Hughes grew up in the 60s in the Washington, DC area. He is a natural musician and was classically trained in piano taking the guitar as his second instrument. Since he was very young, he has performed solo and with ensembles at many venues in the DC area including the Kennedy Center.

 Art is also a Physicist and a Chief Scientist for an Aerospace Defense contractor. He has worked all over the world, including many 3rd world countries, and brings a unique perspective to music composition based upon a lifetime of intellectual and spiritual development.

 He currently resides high in the mountains of Colorado with his artist wife and 3 Australian Shepherds.

 Since getting together as Manifest, Lori and Art have had the joy of combining their considerable talents to create a distinctive style to the music they love and hope it resonates with you.

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